Direct support for outreach and organizing along haul route
Haul No! is volunteer-based and donation-supported. Donations support Haul No!’s work to raise awareness in indigenous communities about the dangers of uranium mining and transport and to stimulate actions of resistance against Energy Fuels’ Canyon Mine/Pinyon Plain uranium mine, Energy Fuels’ White Mesa Mill, and related transport.
Ahéhee’ (Thank you)
#HaulNo! #StopPinyonPlain #WaterIsLife
Donate via Check (tax-deductible)
Please email stopcanyonmine[at] for how to send a tax-deductible donation.
Direct Contributions (instant, not tax-deductible)
Using your phone’s camera, point at the corresponding QR code (or click here for PayPal) to make a direct contribution to Haul No! using Venmo, Paypal, or Cashapp. These donations are not tax-deductible. Thank you!
Donate to Haul No! via Paypal:
Donate via Venmo app

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