Now that mining and transport have started, and despite the “temporary pause” in transport, it is more urgent now to CONTINUE TO DEMAND THE SHUT DOWN OF PINYON PLAIN URANIUM MINE IMMEDIATELY!
We are calling on all of you to HELP EDUCATE, SPREAD AWARENESS, MONITOR THE ROADS for the PROTECTION of Nihímá Nahásdzáán, for the LAND and WATER, for our communities and future generations.
Some things you can do…
BE AWARE! Read this website, read older posts, the timeline, and mining docs. Be informed about the history of this mine, previous violations, and OUR COLLECTIVE resistance!
KEEP MOBILIZING! Several community actions took place August 2-4, 2024, including two in Cameron on Friday and Saturday mornings, in Flagstaff Saturday evening, and at the Grand Canyon Sunday! There were also two rallies organized by the Navajo Nation and Sierra Club. Plan your own rallies and demonstrations in your communities. Get consent BEFORE taking pics and share with Haul No! for posting.

Grand Canyon autonomous action Sunday, August 4, 2024. Photo: Haul No!
SHOW UP! Attend community-led rallies and events, support local organizing, don’t overstep.
LOOK OUT! Watch the company, WATCH THE ROADS, send legit pics to your local community groups, to local officials/agencies, and to our social media or email: stopcanyonmine[at]
KEEP POSTING! on all social media platforms and old school media, send Op-Eds, Letters to the Editor and use local radio. Haul No! is everyone being aware and active. Social media helped to pause the first transport, please keep posting and help to amplify local events. Get consent BEFORE taking pics and share with Haul No! for posting.
AROUND THE WORLD: Make calls, send emails, do solidarity actions connecting to your local fights, and talk to these targets to DEMAND IMMEDIATE SHUTDOWN NOW BEFORE ENERGY FUELS’ [restarts] URANIUM TRANSPORT ENDANGERING ALL COMMUNITIES FROM THE MINE TO THE MILL
DEMAND Governor Hobbs of Arizona to SHUT DOWN THE MINE!!
DEMAND President Biden to SHUT DOWN THE MINE!!
KEEP PRESSURE on Navajo Nation!! Continue to tell the central government what to do!

Grand Canyon autonomous action Sunday, August 4, 2024. Photo: Haul No!
MONITORING the mine is not as encouraged as before because there is a lot of uranium out of the ground and an increased risk of exposure. MONITORING the roads is important along the haul route and other possible routes Energy Fuels may use to get to the mill.
*If you are an older man willing to risk some exposures to radioactivity, please contact stopcanyonmine[at] for more info about monitoring the mine.
For more info, email stopcanyonmine[at]