Stop Uranium Mining & Transport Red Butte Gathering June 23-25
Stop Uranium Mining & Transport Gathering at Red Butte (near the Grand Canyon) To Honor & Protect Our Sacred Land, Our Children, and Our Future June 23-25, 2017 Sponsored by the Havasupai Tribal Council 3 Day Agenda Speakers Forum Ceremonies Sweat Lodge Intertribal Gatherings Entertainment Haul No! Action Trainings Campsites Available: Bring your own camping gear, chairs, water, and food. For more information: Havasupai Tribal Council, (928) 448-2731 Porta Potties, water trucks, and a kitchen will be on site. Please bring refillable water bottles. Weather is expected to be 94 degrees. Directions: From Flagstaff, take U.S. 180 north to the State Route 64 junction in Valle. Turn right (north) and continue 11 miles to Forest Road 320. Turn right (east) and go 1.3 miles to FR 340. Look for signs.